Friday, November 18, 2011

Thoughts and Questions on the Project

Bring the narrative back to its place of origin

Still having confusions on what I can do about this idea, but it's absolutly nacessary to put my self in that geographical location, which in this case, the narrative of past experience.

Time and distance are always linked. In some way time is the measurement of distance, and not only the geographical distance(e.g: 1 hour by bus, 2 hours on foot), but also the psychological distance, which means the distance between past and current. 

Time, and the space connected to time are flowing, and objectively exist only as current. But memory works differently, it is rather "timeless"--we travel within the past memory all the time.

So here we have the past space which is physically absent while the memory of such space remains.

This is the gap between memory and reality, but what can I do about it? To closure the gap would be impossible, then what this piece of art can exist as? a memorial? a celebration? or a suggestion of this whole idea?

I'm trying to avoid being too personal, the ralationship between work and landscape and potential viewers are significant. Other possible considerrations are the historical, cultural background of the place, and even political reference.

A brief introduction of Wanlockhead :
Some works I'm now looking at

Tim Storrier 

Susan Mikula

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